sábado, 24 de julho de 2010


Here I am, in my first bloggin in english... I made this blog especially to send to my interpals contacts... I'm improving my english, and I will write wrong things.

Lets start talking about... Interpals

Interpals is a social network... bla bla bla. There's so many interesting people in it, but you can detach this:

# People from Turkey are "friends" of most girls. They usually say "You're beautiful" with them... really creepy.
# People from Africa just say "can we be friends?". But in their mind, they are saying "May I fuck you?"
PS: Girls dont answer to these guys, just the Turkish guys, sometimes.
# People from Korea has a picture like that:
# People from UK has blue hair, or another shock color, like red-orange...
# Ukranian people use ")" at the end of all messages
# Brazilian people just want to bother all the people around the world. Some people from Brazil will now get really angry with me now, but inside your heart, brazilian, you know that this is true... I did it a lot of times
# People from United States are weird... its the most weird country of the world
# Slovakia people are... i dont know

The end

3 comentários:

  1. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

  2. 3-Only, only (one more time)only friends
    5-Slovakia has just 2 million people

  3. man! that's is totally true!!!
    I just would like to improve some of your observations:
    1-Not only ucranians use ")", russian people too
    2-I hate have to say, but that, about brazilians, it's a little true about myself - ONLY when I'm bored
    3-Girls often acept turkish guys as "friends".
    4-Americans think they are european (mainly german)and the most of the european people (mainly teen girls) have asian (korean) soul.
    5-I would love to know someone from Slovakia (and Liechtenstein as well - alemanish or whatever must be really interesting - or not, I've really no idea)
